Today here at Albion
Calling we have the archaeologist and folklorist Dr. Ceri Houlbrook with us (if you're not familiar with her work, check out her account here). Having completed her PhD on the subject
of coin trees at the University of Manchester back in 2014, she is
currently involved in a post-doctoral project examining concealed apotropaic
devices in the British Isles and the ways in which they have been dealt with by those who have discovered them. We talk about her research, her new co-edited book, and her views on the
intersections between folkloristics and archaeology.
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Dr Houlbrook at a love-lock bridge in Prague, Czech Republic |
[EDW]: Under the supervision of the archaeologist Professor Tim Insoll (who was interviewed here back in August 2014), you completed your PhD at the University of Manchester in 2014 on the topic of “Coining the Coin-Tree: Contextualising a Contemporary British custom”. Subsequently, you have published a number of research articles on the coin tree phenomenon in such peer-reviewed journals as Folklore, Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, and Post-Medieval Archaeology. What was it that led you to coin trees as an object of enquiry? Could you possibly also provide this blog’s readers with a summary of your research on this subject?
[CH]: Since doing my MA
in ‘Constructions of the Sacred, the Holy and the Supernatural’ at Manchester,
I’ve been interested in British folk customs – particularly how they survive,
and sometimes flourish, in contemporary society. The coin-tree is just one such
example of this. Although the custom of inserting coins into trees stretches
back to the 1800s (maybe even the 1700s), where it was originally associated
with healing rituals, it’s really only been over the last two decades that the
practice has spread across the British Isles, with coin-trees popping up in all
corners of the country. I was interested in asking why the 1990s and 2000s had
seen such a rapid increase in the custom, and in finding out what it means to
its modern-day participants. My conclusion: it means whatever its participants
want it to mean, and I use coin-trees to demonstrate the malleability of
folklore and the mutability of meaning. These allow customs, legends, and lore
to survive their transitions into different times and places, by enabling them
to adapt.
You are currently a Postdoctoral Research Assistant working as part of a
Leverhulme-funded project titled “Inner Lives: Emotions, Identity, and the
Supernatural, 1300–1900”, which is based at both the University of East Anglia
and the University of Hertfordshire. Could you tell us a little bit more about
this exciting new project and what your role entails?
[CH]: As you might have
guessed from its title, this project, run by Prof. Malcolm Gaskill, Prof. Owen Davies, and Dr Sophie Page, is broad – both chronologically and thematically.
To summarise briefly, we’re interested in examining how people historically
have dealt with the cross-overs of emotions (fear, hatred, love), selfhood, and
aspects of the supernatural. My strand of the project is entitled ‘The
Concealed Revealed’, and I’m looking at the sorts of devices and customs people
used to protect their homes from preternatural threats, from concealed shoes
and mummified cats to timber markings. As well as cataloguing examples of this
from across the British Isles, I’m also interested in considering what happens
to them after they’re found; once the concealed has been revealed, so to speak.
Are they disposed of, re-concealed, or displayed? And what does that tell us
about people today and their own relationships with emotions, identity, and the
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Coin-tree in Ingleton, Yorkshire. Image copyright Dr. Houlbrook |
[CH]: Although I’m not
a huge fan of labels and pigeonholing myself, if people ask I tend to call
myself a ‘folklore archaeologist’. This basically means that I use
methodologies from both folklore and archaeology to gain insights into ritual
practices and popular beliefs, both historical and contemporary. Take concealed shoes for example. We have no (surviving) written evidence describing the
practice and therefore no explanation for why people in the 18th and 19th
centuries concealed shoes within the walls, roof spaces, and fireplaces of their
homes. Cue folklore archaeology: by considering oral lore surrounding shoes and
the materiality of the shoes themselves, together with their liminal locations,
we can at least come up with some working theories on this enigmatic practice.
Oxbow Books have recently brought out The Materiality of Magic: An Artifactual Investigation into Ritual Practices and Popular Beliefs, an edited volume that you co-produced with Natalie Armitage. In this volume, you also have a chapter titled “The Wishing-Tree of
Isle Maree: The Evolution of a Scottish Folkloric Practice”. Could you
elaborate for us on how this particular book came about?
[CH]: In 2012, Natalie
Armitage and I organised a panel at the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG)
conference entitled ‘The Materiality of Magic’. We were eager to get both the
subject and word of ‘magic’ – seen as something of an academic taboo – back
onto the archaeological agenda, and to illustrate how research into ritual
practices and popular beliefs benefit from a material culture perspective. We
were also eager to demonstrate how prevalent such practices and beliefs are
across time and place, and so we invited speakers with a wide range of interest
areas, ranging from Bronze Age Europe to modern-day Africa. The session was a
great success and in saying that I’m not blowing my own trumpet, but that of
the speakers. The fact that the session attracted such a large audience that we
needed to move to a larger room is no doubt due to the fantastic papers
presented and the interesting debates they sparked. Publishing the session was
the logical next step; the themes we discuss and the methodologies we employ
are important, so we naturally wanted to reach as large an audience as
Are there any other projects in the pipeline that we should be keeping our eyes
out for?
[CH]: My personal
interest at the moment is the archaeology and heritage of love-locks. For
anyone who doesn’t know what love-locks are, they’re exactly what their names
suggest: padlocks employed globally in declarations of love, usually inscribed
with a couple’s names and attached to a bridge. I find them fascinating for a
number of reasons. Firstly, for what they reveal about the malleability of folk
customs; love-rituals boast a very long history but they have to adapt in order
to survive, and love-locks are the most recent – and arguably the most
widespread – manifestation. Secondly, they’re incredibly useful from an
archaeological perspective: studying a contemporary custom can inform how we
interpret past practices. And thirdly, they reveal a lot about notions (and the
subjectivity) of heritage; some cities (e.g. Paris) see love-locks as a
nuisance to be discouraged and disposed of, while others (e.g. Cardiff) embrace
them as part of their heritage. I’m currently applying for funding to conduct
both broader and more in-depth research into this custom, but for now I’m
keeping a blog ( and asking anyone with
information on, pictures of, and opinions about love-locks to contact me on
Thank you very much Ceri, I wish you all the best with the rest of your
Concealed Revealed project!
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